Saturday, November 8, 2014

Soredemo Sekai Wa Utsukushii (Series rating: 8/10)

This is not an official DmonHiro release. These are just Anime-Koi's subtitles timed to the 720p raws from YYDM-11FANS. Also, props for them for also including chapters. No idea why people don't use chapters for their raws, they are right there on the BD.
Turns out they don't have chapters. I must have added them myself months ago and forgot about it.
Anyway, just download the subs, download the raws from the torrent posted, and put everything in the same folder. Enjoy.

YYDM-11FANS 720p BD raws.
Anime-Koi subtitles timed to raws.

About the show: I loved it. Nike is awesome, and Levi is badass. They work great together, even though Levi starts off as a bit of an ass.

PS: I'm still in hiatus. This was done some time ago.