Friday, January 11, 2019

Yuuki Yuuna Wa Yuusha De Aru - Washio Sumi No Shou & Yuusha No Shou (Series rating: 9/10)

OK, so, the first 6 episodes are a prequel to the first series. The last 6 episodes are a sequel to the first series. The middle episode is a recap. Included are the shorts that came with the movies. The movies are the first 6 episodes. Nothing changed. If you’ve seen the first series (and there’s no point in watching this if you haven’t) you know to have your kokoro ready cause it’s going to take a few hits. This time, with fonts included.

1 comment:

  1. Really sorry but is there any way I can download the episodes separately? I pirate using my phone and can't download all of them :(
