Saturday, November 16, 2019

Seishun Buta Yarou Wa Bunny Girl Senpai No Yume Wo Minai (Series rating: 8.5/10)

Puberty syndrome. A mysterious illness/phenomenon that takes many forms. The effect are different for each individual, but they are always tied to the psychological issues of the person. One day Azusagawa Sakuta sees a beautiful girl wearing a bunny girl costume just walking around the library. The odd thing is that nobody else can see her. She is Sakurajima Mai, and she suffers from puberty syndrome. It makes her invisible to people. Sakuta has to figure out what caused this in her before everyone in the world looses the ability to perceive her.

Basically, this is Bakemonogatari without the monsters. It’s wordy, it’s complex… and I love it. The characters are very well written and their problems are relatable. The humor isn’t bad either. Be warned, if you came here only for the fanservice you will be disappointed. I’m not saying there’s none, but it’s not Bakemonogatari levels.Subtitles for the show are from Vivid, while the audio dramas are from MPT, used here with their permission (since I also used their video).

PS: The previous version is nuked. It was completely fucked. Audio was fucked, subs were fucked.


  1. Do you have plans for Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet BD?

    1. Yes, but only after BDMVs become available.
