Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Prism Ark? Seriously guys? THAT'S what you think I'll do?

Why in the name of God would I work on this show?


  1. Because it's good. Guess some people just need to hate good shows *sigh*

  2. Nice troll effort, I guess. Now get out of my site.

  3. Shows with the name Prism in it are bound to suck. Seen Prism Magical: Prism Generations!?

  4. Prism Ark has nudity. Of course they wanted Prism Ark.

  5. THB, Prism Ark isn't 100% shit. It did have potential: a male character in a harem-ish anime that is not only competent but also not afraid of women. The story of the game was decent. The anime kind of fucked around, and forgot what it was doing. Then ended it with random battles that didn't make much sense.

  6. Prism magical has nothing to do with prism ark.

    is not the first time someone made an aweful port from a game, you can tell when they actually like it or just doing bussiness.

  7. Yea Prism Ark had a lot of potential but went crazy at the end

  8. @Anon 2:

    Oh really, Captain Obvious?

  9. Some people requested Prism Ark from me, so I've collected the raws and subtitle files. I've never seen the show before, so I don't know how bad it's going to be. So take heart, those who wanted Prism Ark DVD-rips, you may get them someday.
