Thursday, October 20, 2011

Status Report

Bonus points for who gets the reason for the above picture.
Right now, I'm in a bit of a slump. Work is piling on, and I've kind of lost the energy for anime work. Now, don't worry, I'm getting better. Here's what I'm going to start working on starting next week:

1. Seikon No Qwaser II: Doki asked me to work on this season as well. I really wanted to start this month, but lot's on things happened, and I wasn't able to. I will NOT drop this, EVER.

2. D4 Princess: I went and reencoded everything from the DVDs. It's not in much higher quality, and will be released in a full batch. Right now, I'm 20% done.

3. Really cold case: This is something I should have done a loooong time ago.

4. Rio: I have no bluray raws for episode 07+. Nobody does. Can't do anything without those.

5. The Just Watched section will be starting soon too.


  1. PSH. Slumps are not allowed in the fansubbing world.

  2. While hardly the answer I was hoping for, I appreciate your taking the time to give us the update!

  3. Lokking forward to Qwaser II, and also D4 Princess. I still have Odyssey's old VHS releases of that so it'll be great to have something DVD quality or better.

  4. Dude I really thought you were going to start subbing Dr.Slump and Arale-chan, anyways I'm looking forward to Seikon No Qwaser II.

  5. Thanks for the update, I appreciate it.

  6. Thanks for the update

  7. I thought you said something about Sora no Otoshimono: Forte?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. >Dmon Hiro makes a status report, listing several shows, saying he can't do shit about Rio
    >the next three releases are Rio and two things not mentioned at all in the status report

    next: D4 and Sora no Otoshimono? Or maybe Qwaser (hopefully)?

  10. That probably just means he got his hands on Rio BD's.

    I'm hoping Qwaser is next, too.
    But I'm glad he did A-Channel!

  11. @erejnion:

    I tipped Dmon off to the location of some Rainbow Gate raws a few days after this post, which is why he was able to do it.

  12. You need to thank Zalis for Rio. He tipped me off that Rio BD's WERE in fact out. I got them off PD though, it was faster.
