Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Rising Of The Shield Hero (Series rating: 9/10)

Naofumi is just a regular guy. One day, while reading this weird book in the library he gets transported to an alternate world. He is one of the four cardinal heroes: The Shield Hero.Along with the Sword, Spear and Bow heroes he has to fight the Waves Of Catastrophe. Evil creatures that appear at fixed intervals and kill everything in sight. But that's not the worst part. One day into this adventure and he's accused of raping the princess, thrown out of the castle and left to fend for himself. What's even worse is that he cannot fight. The cardinal heroes can only use their legendary weapon, and his is a shield. A very powerful shield, but a still a shield. So what's an angry hero left to do then buy a slave girl and plot revenge?Ah, Shield Hero. The anime that got tumblrinas panties/briefs in a bunch. See, this show got more flack that Goblin Slayer. While GS was accused of using rape as a shock factor, this promoting rape (somehow), Shield Hero is far worse because it's about a hero who was falsely accused of rape, denied any chance of defending himself all because of an evil woman. And since this never happens in real life (lol), the show is a misogynistic piece of garbage.As for the show... I loved it. Fair warning: if you're looking for a complete emo-hero this is the wrong show for you. Naofumi does start off angry at the world but he mellows out real quick once he buys Raphtalia. Even more so when he gets Firo. The show is pretty well animated and I really enjoyed the battles. Be warned, the other three heroes are complete imbeciles for most of the show, and Melty is the biggest bitch anime has seen in a LONG time.

1 comment:

  1. I think you meant to say "Malty(AKA Myne)" and not "Melty" here. ;)
