Thursday, January 3, 2019

Shichisei No Subaru (Series rating: 6/10)

Another one from the “ain’t nobody else gonna upload this” series. This show had a troubled production, what with accusations of kidnapping and all, but turned out decent. Absolutely nothing special but I did like some aspects of it. For one, the game has this weird rule where you only get ONE account and ONE character. If your character dies you will never get back in the game. It’s completely BS, as no game doing that would survive, but it does make it a bit more interesting. One thing that kind of bothered me was that since the main girl basically got stuck in stasis for 10 years, people were fighting over an elementary school girl. Which would not have been a problem, storytelling wise, if she didn’t act like everyone else anyway. If you hadn’t told me she is supposed to be 10 years younger, there’s no way to figure it out. Also, the game itself is in need of some balancing. I mean it’s completely broken. How the hell is Taka’s ability supposed to be TIME related? How the hell can the shape shifter turn into LIGHTNING? And things like that… Don’t expect a conclusion. It’s the old “read the LN” type of deal.

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