Saturday, November 9, 2019

Katry's Mystery Solving Files (Series rating: 7/10)

Although Professor Layton is currently missing the Layton Detective Agency is still active in London? The one running it is Layton’s daughter: Katrielle. She may not be AS brilliant as her father but she is still an incredible detective, ready to solve any crime. Especially is it involves cake, or dresses, or a restaurant. Yes, Katrielle is a bit of a glutton. And a tad lazy sometimes. Join her, her assistant Noah and talking dog Sherlo, as they solve mysteries and crimes in good old London.
A very sweet and easy-going show. The mysteries are nothing to write home about but they are bound to put you in a good mood, as many of the “antagonists” turn out to be good people trying to help in their own, misguided way. Also, Hanazawa Kana does cute voices for 50 episodes. What more could you want?

Subtitles are as follows:
01-11 = Dreamless
12-50 = Pitohui

Now, about the files:
  1. Episode 00 is not an official episode, just something Pitohui made from the game. I included it because the show assumes you’ve played the game and thus already know who everyone is.
  2. The odd named extra opening and ending files are opening/ending for that particular episode. I included all of them because they each have small differences in audio, and I love Hanazawa’s voice so much that they are all indispensable.
  3. The timing is not perfect. It’s only slightly better then for the HDTV version.
  4. I left the credits form Ayasaki and Pitohui alone. They deserve your thanks for working on this show.

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