Monday, November 18, 2019

Boarding School Juliet (Series rating: 8/10)

Dahlia Academy Boarding School was founded to create peace between the future generations of two warring nations. The plan… doesn’t really work. The two groups hate each other with so much passion that they have full on brawls every day. The leaders of the 1st years are Romio Inuzuka and Persia Juliet . In battle they are almost equal. Thing is, Romio has a huge crush on Persia. So one day he works up the courage and asks her out… during a sword fight. Surprisingly, she accepts. Now the two have to date while keeping their relationship a secret.

A very capable romance comedy with just a hint of lewdness. The characters were great and it had some actual humor for once. From Scott accusing Romio of peeping on Persia while in the middle of doing the exact same thing to the reaction of Hasuki when she learns of Romio’s relationship… it’s all good, violent fun. Does get a bit serious once in a while, with both factions having some real social problems of their own.

Sadly, these subs are from Amazon. So they don’t have the best timing possible. Still, they’re watchable. Hell, we all watched the shows as it was airing using them.

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