Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Aquarion Logos (Series rating: 7/10)

Aeons ago the spoken language was the one who defined everything. It held so much meaning and power that a separate world was created to hold the meanings. But the birth of the written language changed the paradigm, and came in conflict with the spoken language. Now, an evil organization called NESTA is corrupting the meaning of words, trying to have the world tear itself apart. It’s up to the people of DEAVA to stop them by fighting off the corrupted words and giving them back their original meaning.

Even by Aquarion standards, this is a weird one. First off, this is completely unrelated to the previous 2 shows. Also this show bases a huge amount of plot on kanji. Yup, the people here are literally fighting with words. They add strokes to corrupted kanji to change their meaning and summon the representation of kanji to help them fight. But don’t worry, it’s just as sexually changed and horny as the rest of the franchise. The animation is pretty good but you might need some time to adjust to the character designs. They all look… squishy. They’re pretty fun though. Akira is pretty autistic if you ask me. I mean the actual condition. There’s no other way to explain him. Oh, and there’s NTR in this anime. The good kind, where the good guy steals the girl from the bad guy. That’s not even a spoiler, it starts in episode 1 and just keeps going.

Subs are from Crunchyroll.

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