Monday, August 24, 2020

Sengoku Collection - Part 1 (Rating: ??/10)


Attention! This is only the first half of this series. Unfortunately, the BDMVs for the second half were never shared (except for volume 9). I am releasing the first half in hopes someone who had the missing volumes will see this and maybe share them. Thank you.

One day, for reasons unknown, many of the generals from the Sengoku period are transported to our present world. Said generals are, of course, all female, and must learn to adapt to the the present, where wars are no longer fought. Some adapt easy, taking jobs as idols or models, while others have a hard time finding a purpose in this peaceful world.

Sengoku Collection is a very odd series. It’s a 26 anime series with over 14 episode directors. Because of this the episodes themselves are vastly different from one another. One episode might a comedy while the next one will give you depression. You might go form a SOL to a revenge story. My favorite is the one that recreated a famous battle as a fight between children in kindergaden. Some episodes are fantastic, some are terrible, and most are in between. Think of it as a goodie bag where you don’t know what you’re going to get. While there are no changes on the BD, I do believe the quality is much better:

Subtitles from FFF.



  1. Complete DVD ISO is released.
