Friday, June 12, 2020

NG Knight Lamune & 40 (Series rating: 7/10)

So, this show is a parody. It’s kind of like Guru Guru, but with mecha. We warned, this show is very fond of puns, some of which do not translate well. There are also a lot of jokes you will not get unless you are familiar with other anime that were airing at the time. For example, in episode 30, Lamuness and Da Cider both team up with aspiring idols to help them win a contest. Said idols are furry versions of the main characters in Idol Densetsu Eriko and Idol Tenshi Youkoso Youko. Also, the plot is very silly, since it was a children’s anime, but does have some cool serious moments. To me, the show was decent, but nothing special. But the franchise keeps getting better and better with each sequel, untill crashing and burning with the last installment. We’ll get to that one eventually.
About this release

You might have noted that this release is 47 GB. You are probably wondering why, since this is a DVD show. Well, here’s the thing: I hate encoding DVDs. It’s a 25 year old technology that did serve its purpose. But I have never been able to encode a DVD and then say “Yeah, I’m happy with this.”. I always feel like quality was lost. And to be fair, it usually does lose. This is a remux. What was on the DVDs is here, just split into episodes. With this, I am happy. I know it’s huge, but I HATE losing quality when encoding from a DVD. If someone wants to encode this, be my guest. But this is how I will be releasing DVD releases from now on, when possible.

The subtitles are from BlueLobster, which I believe are from Crunchyroll.

PS: I will be releasing the entire franchise in this format. Hold on to your HDD space, it’s gonna be a 100GB ride.

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